How to Get Rid of Weeds With Salt: A Comprehensive Guide

how to kill weed with salt

Weeds are a gardener’s nemesis, aren’t they? One day, your garden looks perfect; the next, you’re battling a jungle of unwanted plants. 

If you’re like many gardeners, you’ve likely tried various weed control methods. But here’s a lesser-known trick that’s incredibly simple: using salt.

Salt, an everyday household item, can help you win the weed war—without resorting to harmful chemicals. It’s natural, affordable, and effective. 

However, you need to use it carefully, as too much salt can harm your soil.

In this article, you’ll learn how to use salt safely and effectively to kill weeds. So, grab your salt shaker, and let’s get started!

Why Use Salt to Kill Weeds?

You might be thinking, “Is salt really strong enough to kill weeds?” 

Yes! Salt, or sodium chloride, works by dehydrating the weeds. When applied, it prevents weeds from absorbing water, ultimately causing them to wither and die.

It’s a great solution for those stubborn weeds that keep popping up in places like cracks in sidewalks, stone pavers, or driveways—where you probably don’t plan on growing any other plants. 

The best part? You already have it sitting in your pantry!


Step-by-Step Guide to Using Salt for Weed Control

using salt to get rid of weed

1. Identifying the Right Weeds and Locations

Before you start sprinkling salt around your yard, it’s important to identify where you can safely use it. Salt works best in areas where you don’t plan to grow other plants, like:

  • Sidewalks
  • Driveways
  • Gravel paths
  • Between stone pavers

Avoid using salt in garden beds or near trees and shrubs. Remember, salt can easily spread in soil, affecting any nearby plants you want to keep healthy.

Tip: If you’re dealing with weeds that invade your flower beds, skip the salt and consider using a different method.

2. Preparing Your Salt Mixture

You can use regular table salt for this process, but it’s often more effective to use coarse salt, like rock salt or sea salt. These are more concentrated and offer stronger results. 

Follow these simple steps to prepare your weed-killing mixture:


  • 1 cup of salt (table or coarse)
  • 2 cups of water (boiling hot water works best)
  • A small drop of dish soap (optional, to help the mixture stick to the weeds)


  1. Dissolve the salt in the water.
  2. Add some drops of dish soap.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a spray bottle or watering can.

Now you’ve got your salt-based weed killer!

3. Applying the Salt Solution

Once your mixture is ready, it’s time to apply it. Here’s how:

  • For weeds growing in cracks or hard-to-reach areas: Simply pour or spray the salt solution directly on the weeds. Be sure to focus on the base of the plant for maximum effectiveness.
  • For larger patches of weeds: You might need a bit more salt, so pour a heavier solution (more salt, less water) around the root area.

Important: Always apply the salt solution on a sunny, dry day. Rain can wash away the salt before it has time to work its magic. You want the salt to soak into the weeds and dehydrate them, so no rinsing is allowed!

4. Waiting for Results

After applying the salt solution, you’ll need to be patient. 

Depending on the type of weed and the weather, it could take anywhere from a few days to a week to start seeing results.

The weeds should begin to wilt and turn brown, showing you that the salt is doing its job. 

If some stubborn ones remain, don’t be afraid to reapply the salt solution to those extra-tough spots.


The Pros and Cons of Using Salt for Weed Control

Like any method, using salt to kill weeds has its advantages and disadvantages. 

Let’s break them down:


  • Natural and chemical-free: Safe for homes with kids and pets.
  • Cost-effective: Salt is inexpensive and easily accessible.
  • Highly effective: Especially on small patches of weeds in unwanted areas.
  • Simple to use: No need for specialized equipment.


  • Not selective: Salt will kill all plants, not just weeds. Be careful where you apply it.
  • Soil damage: Salt can build up in the soil, making it hard to grow anything else in that area for a while.
  • Limited use: Best for driveways, sidewalks, and other non-garden areas—not ideal for garden beds.

Important Safety Tips When Using Salt for Weed Control

Using salt is simple, but here are a few safety precautions to keep in mind:

  1. Limit the amount: Applying too much salt can lead to long-term damage to your soil. Always use it sparingly.
  1. Test the area first: If you’re unsure how much salt to use, start small. Apply a little, wait a few days, and see the results before increasing your application.
  1. Avoid garden beds: As we mentioned earlier, salt can kill any plant it touches. So, avoid using it in areas where you want to grow flowers or vegetables.
  1. Wear gloves: If you’re handling coarse salt or using a strong mixture, gloves will protect your skin from irritation.

Alternative Natural Methods to Try

If you’re looking for some other eco-friendly ways to battle weeds alongside salt, here are a few options:

1. Vinegar

Another kitchen staple, vinegar is acidic and can kill weeds on contact. It works best on sunny days.

2. Boiling Water

Boiling water is effective, especially for weeds growing between cracks. Pour it directly over the weeds to scald and kill them.

3. Mulching

Mulching your garden creates a dark, light-free environment that prevents weed seeds from germinating.

4. Hand-Pulling

Yes, it’s old-school, but nothing beats the effectiveness of pulling weeds up by their roots.

Wrapping Up

Weeds can be relentless, but with salt, you’ve got a powerful tool in your gardening toolkit. 

It’s natural, affordable, and a great way to target those pesky weeds that pop up in your driveway or along your pavers. 

Just remember: a little salt goes a long way! By following the steps in this guide and using salt with caution, you’ll have those weeds waving the white flag in no time.

So, the next time you spot those unwanted green invaders in your yard, grab some salt and give this natural remedy a try!

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