Should You Grow Determinate or Indeterminate Tomatoes?

Picture your garden as a tomato wonderland where every harvest feels like a victory parade, and the stars of the show! But wait. Did you know that determinate and indeterminate tomatoes are the dynamic duo that can make or break your tomato-growing experience? 

The decision between determinate vs. indeterminate tomatoes is more than just a choice – it’s a game-changer. This post will decode the secret sauce to tomato success, one flavorful fruit at a time! 

By the end of this post, you’ll get the answer to the question: should you grow determinate or indeterminate tomatoes?

Things we’ll cover in this post:

Read on.

What is the Difference Between Determinate and Indeterminate Tomatoes?

Let’s begin with the tomato basics: the difference between determinate and indeterminate tomatoes. 

Determinate Tomatoes 

These are the sprinters in this race. Compact and bush-like, they grow to a predetermined height, set fruit in a concentrated burst, and then gracefully retire for the season. They are perfect if you want a swift harvest, ideal for canning or preserving.

Indeterminate Tomatoes

On the flip side, we have the indeterminate tomatoes, the marathon runners of the tomato world. These plants keep growing, reaching for the skies, and continuously produce fruit until the first frost. If you’re looking for a steady supply of tomatoes throughout the season, indeterminate varieties are your green companions.

What is Semi-Determinate or Compact Indeterminate Tomato?

Enter the wildcard – the semi-determinate or compact indeterminate tomato. This variety of tomato takes the middle ground, offering a balance of determinate and indeterminate traits. They reach a moderate height, offering the best of both worlds – a more extended harvest period without the towering stature of their indeterminate relatives.

Determinate or Indeterminate Tomatoes: Which One Should I Grow

This is a very common question that echoes in every gardener’s mind: Should I grow determinate or indeterminate tomatoes? Well, the answer lies in your gardening aspirations. 

As mentioned above, if you’re looking for a quick harvest, perhaps for canning or preserving, determinate tomatoes are your speedy comrades. On the other hand, if you want a continuous tomato bounty, indeterminate tomatoes are the way to go.

Identifying Determinate and Indeterminate Tomatoes

So, how do I identify determinate and indeterminate tomatoes, you ask? Well, identifying determinate and indeterminate tomatoes might seem like navigating a tomato jungle, but fear not! We’re here to guide you through the process. 

Let’s break it down into a simple step-by-step:

Check Growth Habit

  • Determinate Tomatoes: These are like compact bushes, growing to a predetermined height and forming a more rounded shape.
  • Indeterminate Tomatoes: These are ambitious climbers, reaching for the skies, often with a more sprawling and open growth pattern.

Observe Overall Size

  • Determinate Tomatoes: Tend to be more modest in size, suitable for smaller spaces or container gardening.
  • Indeterminate Tomatoes: These can be larger and might require more space to accommodate their continuous growth.

Inspect Leaf Structure

  • Determinate Tomatoes: Often have a denser foliage, with leaves growing more closely together.
  • Indeterminate Tomatoes: Display a more open and spaced-out arrangement of leaves.

Flower and Fruit Production

  • Determinate Tomatoes: Set fruit in a concentrated burst, leading to a relatively synchronous ripening.
  • Indeterminate Tomatoes: Continuously produce flowers and fruit throughout the growing season, resulting in a staggered harvest.

Pruning Requirements

  • Determinate Tomatoes: Generally require less pruning as their growth is more contained.
  • Indeterminate Tomatoes: Benefit from regular pruning to manage their vigorous growth and encourage better airflow.

Check out our comprehensive guide on pruning vegetables and trees.

Height at Maturity

  • Determinate Tomatoes: Reach a predetermined height and then stop growing vertically.
  • Indeterminate Tomatoes: Keep growing taller until environmental conditions or the first frost puts a pause on their growth.

Staking and Support

  • Determinate Tomatoes: Might need less support as their stature is more compact.
  • Indeterminate Tomatoes: Often require staking, caging, or other support systems to prevent sprawling and facilitate vertical growth.

Time to Harvest

  • Determinate Tomatoes: Tend to have a more defined and shorter harvest window, making them ideal for those looking for a quick yield.
  • Indeterminate Tomatoes: Have a prolonged harvest period, providing a continuous supply of tomatoes throughout the growing season.

Determinate Tomatoes List

  1. Bush Early Girl: An early maturing determinate variety, perfect for short growing seasons.
  2. Roma VF: The classic determinate plum tomato, ideal for sauces and canning.
  3. Patio Princess: A compact determinate tomato, perfect for container gardening and small spaces.
  4. Marglobe: A disease-resistant determinate variety, known for its round, red fruits.
  5. Tumbling Tom: A determinate cherry tomato that cascades beautifully from hanging baskets.

Indeterminate Tomatoes List

  1. Sun Gold: A popular indeterminate cherry tomato with golden, sweet fruits.
  2. Brandywine: A beloved heirloom indeterminate tomato, known for its large, flavorful fruits.
  3. Cherokee Purple: An indeterminate heirloom with rich, complex flavor and dusky purple skin.
  4. Beefsteak: The quintessential indeterminate tomato, producing large, meaty fruits.
  5. Super Sweet 100: An indeterminate cherry tomato with a prolific yield of sweet, bite-sized tomatoes.

Determinate vs. Indeterminate Tomatoes: Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are Roma Tomatoes Determinate or Indeterminate?

Roma tomatoes, those beloved plum-shaped wonders, fall into the determinate category. Their compact growth habit makes them ideal for small spaces or container gardening. Expect a concentrated harvest that’s perfect for saucing, canning, or enjoying fresh in salads.

2. Is Celebrity Tomato Determinate or Indeterminate?

Celebrity tomatoes proudly wear the determinate crown. These disease-resistant, round beauties are favored for their reliability and ease of cultivation. Expect a bumper crop in a short span, making them a popular choice for home gardeners.

3. Is Cherokee Purple Tomato Determinate or Indeterminate?

This variety is, in fact, indeterminate. Known for its rich, complex flavor and dusky hue, the Cherokee Purple will keep you supplied with delectable tomatoes until the frost sets in.

4. Are Beefsteak Tomatoes Determinate or Indeterminate?

The mighty beefsteak tomatoes are indeterminate, standing tall and producing hefty fruits throughout the season. These giants are the poster children for sandwiches, burgers, and caprese salads, ensuring your summer dishes are graced with their juicy presence.

5. Are Cherry Tomatoes Determinate or Indeterminate?

Cherry tomatoes, the pint-sized delights, often dance on the indeterminate side of the spectrum. Their vigorous growth and continuous fruiting make them a joy for snacking and adding bursts of flavor to salads.

6. Are San Marzano Tomatoes Determinate or Indeterminate?

San Marzano tomatoes, the darlings of Italian cuisine, are usually determinate. Their elongated shape and meaty texture make them perfect for sauces and pastes. Expect a concentrated harvest, perfect for preserving the essence of summer.

7. Are Heirloom Tomatoes Determinate or Indeterminate?

Heirloom tomatoes, diverse in flavor and appearance, can be either determinate or indeterminate. It’s crucial to check the specific variety, as heirlooms span a wide range of growth habits. Each one is a unique treasure waiting to grace your garden.

8. How to Tell if You Have Determinate or Indeterminate Tomatoes?

You don’t need a Ph.D. in tomatoology to discern the difference. Just observe their growth pattern. Determinate tomatoes tend to be more bush-like, with a predetermined height they won’t exceed. Indeterminate tomatoes, on the other hand, keep reaching for the stars, their growth unchecked until the frost intervenes.

9. Why Determinate Tomatoes are Better?

Ah, the allure of determinate tomatoes! Why are they the preferred choice for some gardeners? Efficiency is the name of the game. They mature faster, offering a quick and concentrated harvest that’s perfect for preserving or processing. If you’re after a swift return on your gardening investment, determinate tomatoes are your green heroes.

10. How to Care for Determinate Tomatoes?

Now that you’ve welcomed determinate tomatoes into your garden, let’s ensure they thrive. These compact wonders love sunlight, so choose a sunny spot for them. Keep the soil consistently moist, but be mindful not to overwater. Providing support, such as stakes or cages, ensures they stand tall under the weight of their fruit bounty.

11. How to Care for Indeterminate Tomatoes?

The indeterminate tomatoes, your marathon companions, require a bit more attention. Regular pruning is essential to manage their vigorous growth. Staking or caging is crucial to support their towering stature and prevent sprawling. 

Adequate spacing allows air circulation, minimizing the risk of diseases. Consistent watering and feeding throughout the season ensure a continuous supply of tomatoes until the first frost.

12. How to Care for Semi-Determinate Tomatoes?

Semi-determinate tomatoes require a delicate touch. They enjoy a balanced diet of sunlight and water. While they don’t need as rigorous staking as their indeterminate counterparts, providing some support is still beneficial. Moderate pruning helps maintain their shape while allowing for a more extended harvest period.


In the epic battle of determinate vs. indeterminate tomatoes, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Your choice should align with your gardening style, goals, and the space you have. 

Plant your tomatoes with confidence, water them with love, and soon, your garden will be a testament to your green-thumb glory – a tomato haven where the determinate and indeterminate varieties coexist in a symphony of flavors and colors. 

Happy gardening!

Garden Gleams Written by:

We're Garden Gleams, the green thumb behind this blog. With a passion for cultivating beauty and sustenance from the earth, we share practical tips, inspiring ideas, and comprehensive guides to help fellow gardening enthusiasts thrive. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting your journey, Garden Gleams is your go-to resource for all things gardening. Join us as we explore the wonders of the plant world, one leaf at a time. Happy gardening!

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